The Worldwide Information System KOMPASS INTERNATIONAL was created in 1944 in Switzerland (Zurich). KOMPASS offers B2B business information and has offices in 70 countries around the world. Information about goods, products and services with the KOMPASS brand is recognized all over the world as a reliable means for developing business contacts. The global KOMPASS INTERNATIONAL database currently contains a wealth of information on 60 million companies in 70 countries.
The KOMPASS system has been operating in Azerbaijan since 1993. Professional B2B database KOMPASS AZERBAIJAN includes 18900 companies operating in Azerbaijan, their activities, products and services, trademarks, financial indicators, import-export countries and other extensive business information. KOMPASS AZERBAIJAN company publishes printed and electronic B2B business directories about enterprises and organizations operating in Azerbaijan:
– “KOMPASS AZERBAIJAN” business directory (information about companies, printed edition)
– “INFO products and services” telephone directory (information on products and services, printed edition)
– “TURINFO” tourism directory (information on the tourism sector, printed edition)
– CD KOMPASS EXCEL (professional Database of Azerbaijan enterprises in excel format)
– www.kompass.com Worldwide Information Database KOMPASS (70 countries, 60 million companies)
With the help of the KOMPASS system, many Azerbaijani companies have found potential business partners not only in Azerbaijan, but also abroad. We hope that the electronic and printed editions of the KOMPASS system will contribute to the economic development of Azerbaijan and the expansion of business relations between companies.
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